
2″ Shangri-La Light Filtering Shadings

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $21.00.

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    Installation prices include re-measurements and any additional hardware required. This option required the local delivery method.

    $ 80 installation.
    Prices are subject to change according to the city and depending on the difficulties of the place.
    ordering in Miami or Broward 1 to 3 blinds = $ 80
    ordering in Miami or Broward 4 to 8 blinds = $ 50
    ordering in Miami or Broward 9 and more = $ 25

    A Round Cover Valance top Cassette adds a very elegant look to your New Illusions Zebra Shades or Silhouette.

    This Valance is made of Aluminum and is meant to cover the Shades, control, and tube with 3" or 4" depending on the size of the Shades.

    Here is a picture of the Standard Cover Valance top 3" Cassette.

  • In this option, please choose if you would like your control(s) on the right hand side or the left hand side. We recommend choosing the side which is easiest to reach.

    In this option, please choose if you would like your motor(s) on the right hand side or the left hand side. We recommend choosing the side which is easiest to reach.



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